Refunds and Withdrawals

This Refund and Withdrawal information is for SNU students in traditional programs that are taking daytime, on site classes. If you are an SNU Professional or Graduate Studies (PGS) student, taking online or evening classes, master’s, graduate, or doctoral classes, please click here to be directed to the SNU PGS Refund/Withdrawal Policy.

Withdrawal from the University

If it appears necessary for a student to withdraw from school before the end of a semester, the process should be initiated through the Associate Vice President for Student Success, Dr. Twyler Earl, A student will not be officially withdrawn, nor will any tuition refund be issued unless withdrawal is made appropriately.

Refund Policies

To be eligible for any refund, a student must complete the appropriate withdrawal procedure (as outlined above).

If a student withdraws from school during the semester, tuition, room, and board will be refunded by the following SNU policy:

Tuition – Tuition charges are prorated over a 5 week period of each semester starting from the first day of classes. Refund proration (as outlined below) is only applicable during the first 5 week class period. All charges are upheld at 100% after the first 5 class weeks of each semester.

Fees – All fees, including the general fee and course fees, are not refundable unless a student fully withdraws from the university (or from a course) PRIOR to the start of the semester.

Room and Board – If a student has signed a housing contract and/or signed up for a meal plan, a 20% charge is automatically applied beginning on the first day that a student moves into their dorm room or meal service begins for the semester. Additional room & board refund proration begins after the first 14 class days (as outlined below).

Withdrawal From University Refund Proration

If a student completely withdraws within the:
first 10 Class Days – receive 100% Tuition / 80% Room & Board
11th-15th Class Days – receive 80% Tuition, Room & Board
16th-20th Class Days – receive 60% Tuition, Room & Board
21st-25th Class Days – receive 40% Tuition, Room & Board
26th-30th Class Days – receive 20% Tuition, Room & Board
31st day of class and beyond – no refund

Dropped Courses Refund Proration

A student drops a class within the:
first 10 Class Days – receive 100% Tuition
11th-15th Class Days – receive 80% Tuition
16th-20th Class Days – receive 60% Tuition
21st-24th Class Days – receive 40% Tuition
25th day of class and beyond – no refund

Additional Details Regarding Refunds & Withdrawals

+ If a recipient of financial assistance withdraws and is scheduled a refund, all or part of this refund will be used to reimburse the financial aid program from which the student received funds.

+ If a student wants to move off campus but stay in school, no Room & Board refund or proration is given based on the Contract Cancellation Rules stated in the housing contract.

In the case of a credit balance on a student’s semester account, a student is
allowed to receive a refund of the following:
1. Prior payments made to their account
2. Federal PELL Grant funds
3. Student or Parent loans*
*If aid includes proceeds from Parent PLUS loans, any excess funds MUST be returned to the parent unless otherwise indicated on the application. Only then can the refund go to the student.

A remaining credit balance may be applied to additional charges (ie. full meal plan, commuter meal plan, charged books through the SNU University book store, join the residential living community).  When admissible by Title IV regulations, SNU will allow a credit balance to roll forward from the fall semester to the spring semester to ensure a student’s ability to pay their account in full each academic year.  If educational loans contributed to a student’s credit balance, the University recommends lowering the loan amounts to reduce or eliminate the student’s loan debt.

These refund policies conform to the requirements of the Higher Education Act Amendments of 1992.

This Refund and Withdrawal information is for SNU students in traditional programs that are taking daytime, on site classes. If you are an SNU Professional or Graduate Studies (PGS) student, taking online or evening classes, master’s, graduate, or doctoral classes, please click here to be directed to the SNU PGS Refund/Withdrawal Policy.

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